Friday, October 7, 2016

Handwriting Blog

This week in e9 we worked on two projects that both involved our names. For the first project we had to go onto adobe illustrator and use the rectangle tool to write our names. For me this was very hard because my name has a lot of letters that you can't use the rectangle tool to write. In the end it didn't look that good even though I put a lot of work into it.

For the second project we had to write our name on the top of the paper the write 10 descprtive words that expressed us. For example i used words like fun, honest, and friendly. After that we had to choose 3 different types of fonts that stood out to us. After we found the fonts we would have to write our name in that font to the best of are ability. I choose 3 difficult fonts try to challenge myself.

For these last 2 projects I thought it was really hard. I know a lot of people might disagree with that but in my opinion it was.

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