Wednesday, May 24, 2017

4th Quarter Final Blog

     For our last project of e9 we were given a group and a task. The task was to create a product and then you all the skills we have learned though ought e9 to makes websites, animations, commercials, and advertisements. The project itself took about the whole quarter to create and then present it to our peers. Its not always smooth sailing, I had a hard time with remembering my lines for the presentation. I learned many things during this project but the one thing that stood out to me the most was learning how to change the volume on videos so you can hear voices without having to play them through the sprees really loud. Before the actual presentation we were given an opportunity to run through are presentations a couple times. I was given valuable feedback about my posture and many other things to help our presentation go better. I was able to change my body language entirely just by not crossing my arms while I was up and presenting. I feel like I made a valuable impact on my team and had quality work while getting it dome on time.

     Time management, that is one of the hardest things for me. I just get distracted very easily and loose focus. Overall for this project I think I did a decent job on keeping up with my work and my group. Although I kept pretty good time management if I were to finish early I would tend to talk to other groups and get them off hand. There was one time during this quarter I came in not during first hour. I had to finish my commercial for the video strand of the product.

     I learned a lot through my time here in e9. I learned that I am skilled with coming up with ideas and scripts for videos we would do. I feel like i'm very creative and can come up with ideas off the top of my head. Some weakness I have is animation. Throughout the year had been hard for me and I still haven't been able to catch on to it. It is a good obstacle to overcome.

     This semester in e9 was a good one. I had video and then the final project. I really liked video and it was a very interesting class. If I could change one thing about this semester it would be that I would  let people choose there group for the final project. I know your thinking that no one would get there work done on time, but I think if people choose to mess around and not get there project done then thats there fault. In this last semester on e9 I was able to learn presentation skills as well as video skills. Next year I hope to apply these skills I learned to my school work.

Monday, May 22, 2017

4th Quarter Graphic Design Rotation

In 4th quarter of eComm we had are final project. For the final project it was set up like a shark tank were we had to invent a project then present it to the eComm program. In are project we had to create a website, coupon, advertisement, and even a commercial. On the left are some pictures of our website. My contribution to this project was the commeical which you can see me in if you were to watch it. I also made contributions to the coupon and the 3d animation. Overall this was a fun project that took a lot of time and work but I liked the way it turned out.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Mini presentation blog

       In our first hour class today we had to do a mini presentation about our product. We had to say our team name, what are product was called, what was the propose of our product, and what the logo meant. In my group I had a pretty easy roll in all I had to do was say my name, the team name, and then thank the audience. It was just the way we ordered things out where I got those jobs. So far the project is going by pretty easily. We were able to figure everything out quickly and effectively.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Six Shots

 The picture on the top is a  extreme wide shot. Top right is a medium shot. Bottom right is an extreme close up. Top Left is a regular close up. Bottom left is wide shot. Bottom is over the shoulder.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Bouncing ball

Bouncing Ball

The Process

So first we started off by learning a couple key things  about adobe photoshop After that we started our first animation project for e9. Are project was to make a bouncing ball tat you can see below. We had to learn how to squash and stretch and other things to complete this project.

What did I learn

I learned the basic principals of animation. I also learned how to use adobe photoshop.We got to learn how to squash and stretch images 

What would I do differently

Next time i would use better time management and ask more questions when I need help. Overall I think I did ok on this project and there is always room for improvement

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Social Media Blog

Yesterday in class we read an article about social media and its effects on people applying for jobs and colleges. Even though most colleges and jobs say they wont look at applicants social media profile, most will. This can drastically change how colleges choose applicants. For example, if there is 5 kids with the same GPA and there are only 3 spots available but Th. eclogue finds out that 2 of the students were posting innaproriate things on there social media. They would choose the other 3 applicants. So if your a college applicant or job seeker you might want to make your social media is up to shape.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Handwriting Blog

This week in e9 we worked on two projects that both involved our names. For the first project we had to go onto adobe illustrator and use the rectangle tool to write our names. For me this was very hard because my name has a lot of letters that you can't use the rectangle tool to write. In the end it didn't look that good even though I put a lot of work into it.

For the second project we had to write our name on the top of the paper the write 10 descprtive words that expressed us. For example i used words like fun, honest, and friendly. After that we had to choose 3 different types of fonts that stood out to us. After we found the fonts we would have to write our name in that font to the best of are ability. I choose 3 difficult fonts try to challenge myself.

For these last 2 projects I thought it was really hard. I know a lot of people might disagree with that but in my opinion it was.