Monday, September 26, 2016

Presentation Skills

The biggest fear for most people is public speaking. Everyone can make it a lot easier for themselves if they just have these 5 things. The 5 thing are so simple anyone can figure it out. They are professional appearance, facial expression, eye-contact, posture, and having a loud voice. These skills  are so important for a good presentation. I mean think about it. You don't want to have a speaker talking to you that looks like he just woke up. You wouldn't want a speaker to being staring down at a paper the whole time. Wouldn't you rather have someone standing straight with a smile on their face.

In class we watched 3 TED speakers giving a presentation on a certain subject. As a class we would have to grade their speaking preformces off the skills we just learned. I thought that all the speakers did a great job relaying what they wanted to get across to the audience.

The last assignment we did over public speaking was to present to the class one of are blogs that we did. It was a pretty easy assignment because Mrs. Smith didn't make us memorize the blog. I think I did a pretty good job on the speaking. I could probably look more at my audience than my paper for next time. I had a good time doing this project.

Friday, September 16, 2016


             Our class was assigned a project to make our first sketches in our sketchbook. In my sketchbook I drew diffirent things like logos and sports that I play right now. When I chose the logo I just drew my favorite sports teams logo. Im not very artistic but I tried my best to make the drawing good. For the colors I feel like I could have added more color to my sketches. All in all I feel like I did a decent job and theres always room for improvement.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


      My favorite color is blue. It stands for tranquility and calmness. I have always liked the color blue. I don't know why it is my favorite color it has always just stood out for me. Blue can be found in a lot of place for example blueberries, beaches, the sky, and blue is often used in car companies like ford, Mazda, and BMW.

          My least favorite color is brown. I don't really know why I don't like brown maybe because Texas aTm is brown. The only logo i can think of with brown are chocolate brands. Now you would think that was a good thing but I hate chocolate. Other than that i can't think of any brands.